Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Spiritual Astrology What's Some More Spiritual Stuff? ( Ex. Chakras. Astrology. Meditation. OBE. Lucid Dreaming. )?

What's some more spiritual stuff? ( Ex. chakras. astrology. meditation. OBE. lucid dreaming. )? - spiritual astrology

I want more spiritual and learn more about spiritual subjects.
How? What else?


Sean said...

Check Out Sunshine of the Soul
It contains information about astrology, chakra meditation, lucid dreaming, and more ..

Zsolt H said...

Sorry if I disappoint someone, but nothing is mentioned in your question, really spiritual.
The spiritual path is only one thing: to teach us about the reality in which we live, to help us understand our true nature and purpose of our lives.
Feeling the things that you mention, positive behaviors that can help our physical, and make us better about ourselves, but can not get through this physical life and show us the spiritual reality.
For this we need a special method of practice that we can truly human help.
I hope it helps all the best.

Yellow Alarm Clock said...

What do you mean by "intellectual"? The obvious interpretation would be something to do with spirits, but then talk about things like meditation and lucid dreaming, which nothing to do with spirits.
And what it means to be more spiritual? Does that mean you want more and more like a ghost? Or does it mean that you learn more words without meaning, and claim that they want any deeper?

Arrrr said...

Helping Others
Manipulation of energy within and outside of you
The increased capacity
Full control of Your Mind

All of them have sub-categories.
You need to be tested on "schools or temples in the astral by

Fourth Line said...

I think if you can explore the world of yoga and meditation, you have enough to do spiritual things for a while.

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